Human Rights Policy

MR.TOY Philippines Human Rights Policy

At MR.TOY Philippines, we firmly believe in upholding and promoting human rights for all stakeholders. Our commitment extends beyond the principles outlined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This standalone Human Rights Policy encompasses the rights and dignity of our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors, communities, and all individuals who are impacted by our operations.

I. Leadership and Implementation

A. Leadership commitment

Our leadership is dedicated to steering our organization towards a future where human rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled in every aspect of our operations. We commit to integrating human rights principles into our corporate culture, policies, and decision-making processes. Our leaders take responsibility for setting the tone, championing human rights, and ensuring that they are upheld at all levels of the organization.

B. Training and Education

We provide continuous training and awareness programs for employees and stakeholders, ensuring they understand their rights and responsibilities to cultivate a culture of respect for human rights.

C. ESG Committee and Executive Sponsorship

Implementation of this policy shall be organized within the company’s existing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Committee. This committee will be steered by the ESG Lead and will be informed by best practices, employee feedback, and evaluation outcomes to ensure a comprehensive and holistic approach.

II. Human Rights Practices and Initiatives

A. Labor Rights

We are dedicated to respecting and promoting the labor rights of our employees and workers.

A.1. Respect for Human Dignity and Inclusion:

We deeply respect the inherent dignity of every individual and are dedicated to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered. We celebrate the diversity of our employees and workers, and the communities we serve, recognizing that it enriches our collective perspectives and strengthens our organization.

A.2. Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities:

We promote a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusion, where all employees and workers are treated with respect and without discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic. Equal opportunities for employment and advancement are provided to all qualified individuals.

A.3. Employee Rights and Labor Standards:

We uphold the rights of our workforce and ensure they work in safe, healthy, and supportive environments. We adhere to all relevant labor laws and regulations, providing fair wages, reasonable working hours, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our employees and workers have the right to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. We actively engage with our employees and workers to understand and address their needs, concerns, and aspirations.

A.4. Elimination of Forced Labor:

We condemn and prohibit any form of forced, bonded, or involuntary labor within our organization and throughout our supply chain. All employment must be freely chosen by the employees and workers, without any form of coercion or threat. We do not require lodged "deposits" or identity papers of employees and workers and they are free to leave after reasonable notice. We conduct regular due diligence to identify and address potential risks of forced labor in our operations and supply chain.

A.5. Elimination of Child Labor

We strictly prohibit the employment of minors in any of our operations or supply chain. We comply with all laws and regulations related to the employment of children, ensuring that no child is subjected to hazardous, exploitative, or harmful work. We collaborate with relevant stakeholders to address and remediate any instances of child labor that may arise.

A.6. Health and Safety:

We prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of our employees and workers. We maintain a safe working environment, implement health and safety protocols, and adhere to industry standards to prevent accidents, injuries, and occupational hazards in accordance with applicable regulations and the applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).

B. Human Rights of External Stakeholders:

We extend our commitment to human rights beyond our organization to external stakeholders, including suppliers, partners, customers, and communities affected by our operations.

B.1. Responsible Sourcing and Supply Chain:

We expect our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment to human rights and ethical practices. We work collaboratively with them to ensure responsible sourcing, fair labor conditions, and respect for human rights throughout the entire supply chain. We conduct regular assessments and audits to monitor compliance and identify areas for improvement.

B.2. Customer Rights and Data Privacy:

We protect the rights and privacy of our customers, handling their personal data with utmost care and in compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations. We are transparent about how we use and process their data and seek their consent when required. We proactively address customer feedback and concerns to enhance their experience.

B.3. Community Engagement and Social Responsibility:

We actively engage with the communities where we operate, respecting their cultures, traditions, and social norms. Through responsible business practices, community initiatives, and philanthropic efforts, we aim to make positive contributions to the well-being and development of these communities. We support community development projects and social impact initiatives that align with our values.

III. Monitoring and Reporting

A. Employee Feedback and Suggestions

We encourage open communication and collaboration to identify and implement appropriate accommodations, promoting an equitable and inclusive workplace for all. Feedback and suggestions, both positive and negative, will be actively sought, valued, and considered in shaping our policies and initiatives.

B. Grievance Mechanism:

We maintain an accessible and confidential grievance mechanism to address concerns related to human rights violations. Employees, customers, suppliers, and community members can voice their grievances without fear of reprisal. Concerns may be sent to [email protected] or through [email protected]. Stakeholder feedback will be actively sought, valued, and considered in shaping our policies and initiatives.

C. Compliance and Accountability

We conduct regular audits and assessments to monitor compliance, track progress, identify areas for improvement, and report our efforts to stakeholders in alignment with ESG reporting guidelines. We address any deviations from our policies and standards, and take appropriate measures to advance our commitment to human rights and social responsibility.

IV. Continuous Improvement

We understand that the journey towards full respect for human rights is ongoing. This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness, relevance, and alignment with evolving best practices and legal requirements. Evaluation from monitoring and feedback from employees and stakeholders will be considered during the review process.

This comprehensive Human Rights Policy reflects our dedication to creating a workplace and business operations that respect and protect the rights of all stakeholders. We strive to foster an inclusive, diverse, and ethical environment that upholds the principles of human rights in everything we do. Marikina City, August 30, 2023.

ESG Lead

Chief Executive Officer